A revolutionary, but obvious, new business model

The Nourish to Flourish Initiative addresses the critical issue of food insecurity in Salt Lake City while simultaneously providing a badly needed boost to the local restaurant industry.
Our dual vision is to eliminate food insecurity while revitalizing our restaurant industry—first along the Wasatch Front, and then more broadly throughout Utah and across the country.
The Process
Step 1:
Food Preparation

Local restaurants prepare thousands of fresh, healthy meals every week at a price that is pre-agreed discount from the regular menu price.
Step 2:
Food Distribution

The meals are delivered by volunteers to the pre-determined non-profit service providers who address the needs of vulnerable groups within our community.
Step 3:

Funding organizations donate to the Lightspark Foundation and, through the Nourish to Flourish Initiative, pay the participating restaurants for each meal. Where do donations go?
“Our vision is simple: first, to eliminate food insecurity along the Wasatch Front; second, across our state; and third, throughout our entire country.”
Jonathan Ruga
Board Chair, Lightspark Foundation